Installation & Setup

The complete MousikóFídi setup guide!


Before running your own MousikóFídi instance, certain requirements must be satisfied:


If you just want to run MousikóFídi locally to check it out:

# Add .local/bin to PATH and source if needed
echo 'export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile

# User install
pip3 install --user git+

mousikofidi --dev

Now, open in a browser to use MousikóFídi. You may also want to configure some media sources.

Server Quickstart

This section is a high-level look at what you need to do to run MousikóFídi on a server.

Open a terminal and follow the commands shown below:

# First, ensure that the "python3-dev" and "python3-pip"
# packages for your OS are installed and usable.
# ... whatever the method is.
sudo apt install python3-dev python3-pip
sudo dnf install python3-devel python3-pip
sudo pacman -S python3
sudo xbps-install -Su python3-devel python3-pip

# Create a new user to run MousikóFídi as
sudo useradd --create-home --home-dir /opt/fidi fidi

# Become that user
sudo su - fidi

# Add .local/bin to PATH
echo 'export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile

# Install MousikóFídi
pip3 install --user git+

# Fix permissions
chmod 0755 ~/.local
chmod 0755 ~/.local/lib
chmod 0755 ~/.local/lib/python3.*
chmod 0755 ~/.local/lib/python3.*/site-packages

# Run MousikóFídi via the dev server, make sure ~/.local/bin is in $PATH
mousikofidi --dev

# Adjust the config file as needed
vi ~/.config/fidi/config.toml

At this point, you are ready to go on to setting up uWSGI and Nginx.

Continue to the next section for a more detailed breakdown of what is shown above.


Although it is not strictly required, this guide covers running MousikóFídi as its own unprivileged user.

Creating the fidi user

MousikóFídi should be run as its own unprivileged user, though keep in mind that it will need read access to wherever your collections are.

sudo useradd --create-home --home-dir /opt/fidi fidi

The home directory is specified as /opt/fidi to avoid any potential permissions and security problems.

From here, become the new user and verify it is usable:

sudo su - fidi
ls -lah

Ensure $PATH

Before installing MousikóFídi we have to make sure that the install location is in the fidi user's $PATH. If you run this:

sudo su - fidi
echo $PATH

And don't see /opt/fidi/.local/bin in there, then do this:

sudo su - fidi
echo 'export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile

Now you should be able to successfully run mousikofidi --dev after installing (see below).

Installing MousikóFídi

sudo su - fidi
pip3 install --user git+

Note that the --user flag is used, which installs all packages under fidi's home directory, eliminating the need for any superuser access.

Doing this puts all executables under /opt/fidi/.local/bin, so that path must be used or added to the $PATH variable as noted above.

Additionally, it will put static files under a local python library path. Determine where this is like so:

sudo su - fidi
ls -d ~/.local/lib/python3.*/site-packages/mousikofidi/static

MousikóFídi should now be installed but not yet usable; a configuration file needs to be installed next.

Fixing Permissions

There's a good chance that installing MousikóFídi with pip will create directories with very restrictive permissions. Run these commands to allow the web server user to read them:

sudo su - fidi
chmod 0755 ~/.local
chmod 0755 ~/.local/lib
chmod 0755 ~/.local/lib/python3.*
chmod 0755 ~/.local/lib/python3.*/site-packages

Configuring MousikóFídi

Run MousikóFídi like this:

sudo su - fidi
mousikofidi --dev

The first time you run MousikóFídi, a config file will be generated at $HOME/.config/fidi/config.toml. You can view the contents of this file in the MousikóFídi source code.

Open this file with a text editor to alter any values as desired:

sudo su - fidi
vi ~/.config/fidi/config.toml

See the Config Guide as well as the User's Guide for more information.

If running on your local machine, at this point you may open in a browser to use MousikóFídi.

Read on for information about how to run MousikóFídi in production mode.

Configuring uWSGI

Using uWSGI takes a bit more work, but it is much more performant and the recommended way to run MousikóFídi.

MousikóFídi comes with an example uwsgi.ini file that can be used as a base:

sudo su - fidi
curl -o ~/.config/fidi/uwsgi.ini

Now the pidfile and socket values should be changed to use /opt/fidi/tmp instead of /tmp/, see the example below as a reference:


This can be done quickly with sed:

sudo su - fidi
sed -i "s|/tmp/|/opt/fidi/tmp/|;s|/tmp/mousikofidi.sock|/opt/fidi/tmp/mousikofidi.sock|" ~/.config/fidi/uwsgi.ini

Create that directory:

sudo su - fidi
mkdir ~/tmp

MousikóFídi can now be ran via uwsgi and the mousikofidi executable:

sudo su - fidi
mousikofidi --processes $(nproc)

Read on for how to access this via the Nginx HTTP server.

uWSGI Daemon

One can optionally run uwsgi in a deamon-like mode, which forks to the background and writes to a log file.

To do this, first create a log directory:

sudo su - fidi
mkdir ~/logs

Then, add the following to /opt/fidi/.config/fidi/uwsgi.ini:


Now, when uwsgi is ran as specified above it will fork into the background. The specified log can be watched to see requests, errors, and etc.

Configuring Nginx

This section requires superuser access to install the MousikóFídi Nginx configuration and enable it, as well as to install Nginx itself.

The nginx user

The user that nginx is running as on your system will need read and write access to the socket created by running uwsgi:

sudo usermod -a -G fidi www-data

Where www-data above is the user that the nginx server is running as.

Now, make sure that the fidi group can access /opt/fidi/tmp:

sudo chmod 0750 /opt/fidi

sudo chmod 0750 /opt/fidi/tmp

Read on for a description of how to configure Nginx to read the uwsgi socket.

The nginx configuration

Included with MousikóFídi is an example Nginx configuration file that you may use as a base for your own setup.

Copy this file to where nginx configs are kept:

curl -o fidi-nginx.conf
sudo cp -iv fidi-nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/

The example above is for Debian or Ubuntu; this could go into /etc/nginx/conf.d on other OSes.

Some edits need to be made before this config will actually work:

Test the nginx configuration before reloading:

sudo nginx -t

If that passes, reload the nginx configuration and MousikóFídi will now be available behind the domain you used for server_name -- but your browser will complain about the certificate being bad.

Read on for a description of how to get a free certificate from Let's Encrypt.

Getting a Let's Encrypt cert

This section also requires superuser access, possibly to install certbot and the related Nginx plugin packages but also to install the certs themselves.

Some OSes offer packages for both certbot and the Nginx plugin, such as Debian and Ubuntu. If no package is available, check out the Certbot pip-nginx help page and the Certbot general instructions page page for help getting set up.

At this point, all that's needed to get a certificate is to run certbot:

certbot --dry-run certonly --nginx -w /opt/fidi/ssl --agree-tos -d mousikofidi.mycooldomain.tld

Replace mousikofidi.mycooldomain.tld with your actual configured server_name.

Once the command finishes, a path to the new signed certificate and key files will be displayed. Copy those paths and paste them into the fidi Nginx configuration over the old values for the self-signed ones.

Test and reload Nginx, and then your MousikóFídi instance should be viewable behind HTTPS on your domain.

Great Job!

Running MousikóFídi As A System Service

Running MousikóFídi as a system service is one way to get better control over the process, as well as potential bonus features like auto-restarting and starting at boot.


The MousikóFídi demo is behind runit, and the project includes sample files that can be used as a reference.

All commands in this section require superuser access.

  1. Created the needed directories:
mkdir /etc/sv/fidi/{control,log,supervise}
  1. Create the log run script:
cat > /etc/sv/fidi/log/run <<EOF
exec logger -t mousikofidi
  1. Create the run script for MousikóFídi itself:
cat > /etc/sv/fidi/run <<EOF
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export USER=fidi
export HOME=/opt/\$USER
export PATH=\$HOME/.local/bin:\$PATH

exec chpst -u \$USER:\$USER uwsgi --ini \$HOME/.config/fidi/uwsgi.ini 2>&1
  1. Create the d script for stopping MousikóFídi:
cat > /etc/sv/fidi/control/d <<EOF
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export USER=fidi
export HOME=/opt/\$USER
export PATH=\$HOME/.local/bin:\$PATH

exec chpst -u \$USER:\$USER uwsgi --stop \$HOME/run/ 2>&1
  1. Create the r script for reloading/restarting MousikóFídi:
cat > /etc/sv/fidi/control/r <<EOF
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export USER=fidi
export HOME=/opt/\$USER
export PATH=\$HOME/.local/bin:\$PATH

exec chpst -u \$USER:\$USER uwsgi --reload \$HOME/run/ 2>&1
  1. Enable the MousikóFídi service:
ln -sv /etc/sv/fidi /var/service/  # Or wherever the service dir is on your system, if not /var/service

Within a few moments, the MousikóFídi should be started. If you are using some syslog provider, you can check the system logs for details about what's going on:

tail -f /var/log/messages | grep --color mousikofidi
  1. Adjust the MousikóFídi service supervise permissions so the fidi user can manage the service without superuser access:
chmod 755 /etc/sv/fidi/supervise
chown fidi /etc/sv/fidi/supervise/*


The following commands should be used:


To reload, or restart the MousikóFídi process:

sv reload fidi

NOTE: The reload command is not currently known to work with fidi and will likely time out. If you do this and end up in a bad state, stopping and starting the service should make things right.


If the MousikóFídi process is not running, it can be started with any of these:

sv start fidi

sv u fidi

sv up fidi

If the MousikóFídi process is running, it can be stopped with any of these:

sv stop fidi

sv d fidi

sv down fidi

SysV Init

While it may be possible to create a traditional init script for MousikóFídi, this is not advised and will not be supported by the project.


User Service

The MousikóFídi repo includes a sample unit file that can be used with systemd to run the application as a service.

Download the example file and run it as a user service:

test -d ~/.config/systemd/user || mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user
curl -o ~/.config/systemd/user/mousikofidi.service
systemctl --user enable --now mousikofidi.service

This page was last modified on: 2021-02-14